The Renters Rights Bill - A mandatory database of landlords π’
The Renters Right Bill plans to introduce a mandatory private rental sector database of landlords. What do we know so far?
The Renters Rights Bill plans to introduce a new private rental sector database of landlords. Here's what we know;
- A new Private Rented Sector Database will be created and all landlords, regardless of whether they use a letting agent, will be legally required to register themselves and their properties.
- Landlords could be subject to penalties if they market or let out a property without registering it and providing the required information on the database. This will be based on Β£7,000 for the initial breach and up to Β£40,000 or criminal prosecution for continuing or repeated breaches.
- The database will provide landlords with information on the actions they need to take to be compliant and also valuable information for tenants.
- Local authorities will also be able to have increased knowledge of properties being made available to rent, and on the landlord information and be able to take action against properties being offered to rent where the landlord fails to register.
- The exact details of the database are not available as yet, but it is expected that not all data about the landlord will be disclosed, only that which a tenant would need to know in order for them to make an informed decision about renting the property.